Saltney Manor Park is a major strategic site extending to approximately 158ha situated on the border between wales and england.
Illustrative Masterplan
An illustrative masterplan has been prepared to demonstrate how the development of the site could come forward. This masterplan is illustrative only and should not be considered as prescriptive of the potential layout, uses, and quantum of development. It does, however, represent a deliverable proposition at Saltney Manor Park which seeks to achieve the vision identified for the site.
- Site Boundary
- Existing Trees/Vegetation
- Existing Watercourse
- Existing Pylons With Overhead Powerlines
- Existing Public Right of Way
- Existing Bridleway
- Existing National Cycle Route 568
- Existing Road Network
- Existing Footbridge
- Proposed Footbridge For Direct Pedestrian Connections to Saltney
- Proposed Pedestrian Access
- Proposed Employment Traffic Access Only
- Proposed Vehicle Access
- Proposed Primary Road With Potential For Bus Route
- Proposed Primary Road
- Proposed Active Travel Routes
- Proposed Heritage Trail
- Proposed Residential Development With Potential to Include School if Required
- Proposed Employment Area
- Proposed Local Centre With Potential For Primary Schools, Mobility Hub And Local Retail, Health and Community Facilities
- Proposed Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) Ponds
- Proposed Vegetation
- Proposed Street Trees Along Spine Road
- Proposed Public Open Space (POS)
- Potential Location For Allotments
- Proposed Wildlife Area (Biodiversity Net Gain)
- Proposed Local Equipment & Play Areas
- Proposed Neighbourhood Equipment Areas of Play
- Site Boundary
- Existing Trees/Vegetation
- Existing Watercourse
- Existing Pylons With Overhead Powerlines
- Existing Public Right of Way
- Existing Bridleway
- Existing National Cycle Route 568
- Existing Road Network
- Existing Footbridge
- Proposed Footbridge For Direct Pedestrian Connections to Saltney
- Proposed Pedestrian Access
- Proposed Employment Traffic Access Only
- Proposed Vehicle Access
- Proposed Primary Road With Potential For Bus Route
- Proposed Primary Road
- Proposed Active Travel Routes
- Proposed Heritage Trail
- Proposed Residential Development With Potential to Include School if Required
- Proposed Employment Area
- Proposed Local Centre With Potential For Primary Schools, Mobility Hub And Local Retail, Health and Community Facilities
- Proposed Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) Ponds
- Proposed Vegetation
- Proposed Street Trees Along Spine Road
- Proposed Public Open Space (POS)
- Potential Location For Allotments
- Proposed Wildlife Area (Biodiversity Net Gain)
- Proposed Local Equipment & Play Areas
- Proposed Neighbourhood Equipment Areas of Play
Development Contributions
Given the extensive benefits to be derived from the scheme we consider that very exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated.
Up to 1,750 new homes including up to 350 affordable homes
Over 2,500 diverse jobs created directly from the construction and marketing of the scheme
Estimated 4,375 residents accommodated in new homes
Site Context
Saltney Manor Park (‘the site’) extends to 158 hectares and is currently in agricultural use. The site straddles the English and Welsh border with the majority (circa 136ha) within the administrative boundary of FCC and the remainder (circa 32ha) within the administrative area of Cheshire West and Chester Council.
Site Ownership
The majority of the site is under the control of Jalstock 2 Ltd and Altside Developments Ltd. Some land at the north and east of the site is in the ownership of CWaC and is included to illustrate how a comprehensive masterplan for the entire Saltney Manor Park site could be realised.
Surrounding Area
The site is bound to the north by Sealand Industrial Estate and Chester F.C’s Deva Stadium and beyond that by Sealand Road. To the east and south the site is bounded by the River Dee and to the west by Ferry Lane. The site is surrounded by development on all sides with the exception of its western boundary. The Fir Trees Lodge Caravan Park is situated across Ferry Lane to the west.
Strategic Context
Providing Quality Housing Supply
The quality and supply of housing provision can have a far-reaching impact on the fortunes of a region and its residents. It is vital for sufficient housing to come forward to ensure housing need is met. An undersupply of housing can inflate house prices and affect the extent to which a region can attract and retain residents, particularly young people. Furthermore, housing delivery has an impact on economic growth, supporting a greater pool of labour and, by extension, the ability of a region to attract employers.
The Welsh Government has a clear aim within Future Wales to improve the housing offer in North Wales, with an estimated 16,200 additional homes needed in the region until 2039. The plan establishes a need to co-locate employment centres, strategic housing growth and services in the most sustainable and accessible locations, considering connections with Mid Wales and the North West of England.
The Wrexham and Deeside National Growth Area (Figure 3.1 below) is identified as the main focus for growth and investment in North Wales. Future Wales sets out an ambition for the Welsh Government to work with regional bodies and local authorities in the region and neighbouring authorities in England, to promote and enhance the area’s strategic role and ensure that growth is managed to support the needs of the wider region.
National Strategic Diagram
- National Growth Area
- Regional Growth Area
- Ports
- National Connectivity
- Green Belt - Areas for Consideration
- Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- National Parks
- Anglesey Energy Island, Including Wylfa Newydd
- Trawsfynydd
- North Wales Metro
- Pre-assessed Areas for Wind Energy
- Universities
Key Benefits
Contributions towards schools and highway infrastructure
Green Space
Jobs Created for Local People
(Subject to GP residency)
Sustainable Modes
of Travel
Buses & Charging Stations
Police Station
Get in Touch
Please contact us for further information regarding additional development site specifics and other development opportunities. A member of the Carter Jonas team will get back to you as soon as possible.